What Is The “Gig Economy”?

A gig in music means a performance – might be one night, might be several, but it’s usually a short-term agreement.

In the gig economy, the same principle applies – a short-term contract, project work or even just a one-time deal. Like Uber.

It has been estimated that by the year 2020, up to 40% of the work force will be a part of the gig economy.

Websites like UpWork and Freelancer.com, Fiverr and 99design are examples of gig work in business. There are many others that focus on other types of work such as cleaning services or, as mentioned above, transportation.

This blog and podcast will focus on these types of businesses – the kind of work available, the best ways to interact with the employers, the benefits and pitfalls of working gigs, and even the legal considerations you need to take into account when joining up with this formidable workforce.

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Thanks and go get ’em!